Thursday, October 15, 2009

Brayden and Backyard

So it looks like I'm officially in new Mommy mode meaning I have NO extra time on my hands these days. Instead of laying down and getting some sleep I thought I'd finally update you all with some pictures from our last week. Included in the montage are pictures of Brayden and our backyard that Brent's been working on. When his parents were here Brent and his Dad (and Mom) were working everyday trying to punch out as much as they could while they were here. It's amazing to see the transformation to our yard and see where it's going. I'm looking forward to many summers out there.

As for Brayden, he is doing great! We had his 2 week appointment yesterday and glad to report that he is growing beautifully. He is now 9 lbs 4.5 oz (64%), 21 1/2 in (76%), and his head circumference was 37.5 cm (57%). He's hitting all milestones in his little life and such a delight. Each day he is more and more alert. We are really cracking down on trying to get his routine going. Today we started letting him nap in his crib and tonight will be the first night moving him in the crib to sleep. Last night we actually got a 4 1/2 hour stretch of sleep, whoo hoo!

Keely is still doing great as a big sister. She helps me out by throwing away Brayden's diaper and lets me know when he's crying. She's having a blast playing in the backyard while Brent's working.

That's an update for us for now. Again, thank you all for being patient with me. I know I've lacked updating pictures but I'm trying! Hope you enjoy the pictures and thank you to everyone who has called, came to visit, and sent meals. Every thought and gesture is greatly appreciated. Thank you again!

1 comment:

Susan said...

So glad to see everyone is doing great! Hope the days are sweet, and I am so glad you got that 4 1/2 hours!