Friday, December 11, 2009

Catching Up

Since Brayden has come home we've taken many video's of the kids that I never got around to posting. So I wanted to catch up on some of the coverage that we've taken. I made two videos, one of Keely and one of Brayden. Keely has really mastered learning her body parts and is still such a little Mama! She also LOVES to talk on the phone, well the pretend phone. When we let her try to talk to anyone on the actual phone she usually freezes up. However, this week for the first time Keely had a long conversation with Nana and Pop Pop. It was hilarious watching her talk up a storm.

Brayden is such a big boy these days. We love watching him look at everything around him and observe everything he sees. It really is such a joy trying to take in each moment with him now that we see how 'fast' fast really is. It's incredible to see where Keely is now and how quickly we got there. Makes each moment with both of them so much more special. Can't get enough of these two.

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