Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Vitals, Vitals, Vitals!

Brayden sleeping after surgery.

Today hanging out with Daddy.
Ugh! So I know that it's necessary to check on patients and ensure everything is going well and for that reason I'm not complaining, just making a statement. Checking vitals every 2 hours means no rest for anyone. But I'm so thankful that Brayden is getting thorough care and that he is doing EXCELLENT! Last night they gave him another dose of morphine since he seemed uncomfortable. He ate at 6 and 9 then slept through the night (with the exception of the vital checks) until I woke him at 6 to eat again. Today he's been doing great. He is more alert and even showed a glimpse of his little personality giving us some smiles and even a little laugh. We're told what a strong little guy we have. Being so alert and opening his eyes is a big step. Several nurses have stated that most cranio kids have their eyes swollen shut for the first day or two. This just reminds us what a strong and healthy boy Brayden is. We moved from the PICU to the Pediatric Specialty Care Unit which is a great sign on our way to recovery! We're hopeful to be discharged tomorrow if all continues to go well. Tomorrow is when they'll remove his dressings and when we get a first look at his incision. Until then, hoping for another good night and continued thoughts with him for his recovery! Thank you again everyone for your thoughts with our little guy!


jennmoya said...

Oh Praise the Lord he is doing so well! We are praying for a quick speedy recovery.

Susan said...

He looks so, so sweet in that first picture!